
972 B


Nazara hosts should follow the Geth/Hub, but they don't need any hardware besides a :Category:Raspberry_PiCategory:Raspberry_Pi and 5V/4A power supply.

The deprivileged user on the Nazara host should set up the SSH folder with configs and keys for each critical and service host in the ecosystem.

  1. Create the key:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N PASSPHRASE -f USER-HOST
  2. Install the key to a new host:
     ssh-copy-id -i /home/pi/.ssh/USER-HOST USER@HOST
  3. Regularly rotate all the key passphrases:
    for i in ls -1 /home/pi/.ssh | egrep -v 'known_hosts|config|authorized_keys|.pub$'; do ssh-keygen -p -P OLDPASS -N NEWPASS -f "$i"; done


In the Mass Effect universe, the Geth were secretly puppeted by an ancient AI, a Reaper also known as Sovereign or Nazara. A Nazara Geth node similarly manipulates all the nodes in the ecosystem.