Geth hubs are the most prototypical unit. They are basic control and data providers to the Geth gestalt. # Typical Install Installation: * [ Download the latest image.] [[Category:Raspberry Pi]] * Buy a Raspberry Pi, microUSB 5V/4A power supply, and micro SD card 8GB or more in capacity. * Attach the SD card to some Linux system. * dd bs=4M if=*raspbian*.img of=/dev/ * Mount the /dev/sda2 partition to /mnt and /dev/sda1 partition to /mnt/boot * "scp /usr/local/src/ConfigPackages /mnt/usr/local/src/" * "chroot /mnt" * "cd /usr/local/src/ConfigPackages/Geth" * "make rpi-base" ## Remotes * Purchase an [ IR shield] and attach it to your GPIO pins. * "make remote" from /usr/local/src/ConfigPackages/Geth on the Pi. * [ Set up LIRC to read and write from the shield.] This [ article] may have more troubleshooting help. * Use [ irrecord] to capture the sequences from the current remote. * At a minimum, capture power, input, enter, mute, volume up and volume down from your TV. * DVD players and such devices may need more captures. * Roombas only need launch, dock, and spot-clean commands. [ These are already captured]. * Use irsend to test sending commands. * Set up the proper SSH keys and ~/.ssh/config options to allow the hass user to SSH to the Pi without a password. The following snippet added to your configuration.yaml to allow remote-like activity.
 - platform: command_line
           command_on: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_POWER"
           command_state: 'ping -c 1 | grep -c "1 received"'
           command_off: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_POWER"
    - platform: command_line
          command_open: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_VOLUMEUP"
          command_stop: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_MUTE"
          command_close: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN"
          #icon: mdi:volume-medium
          command_open: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_CONFIG"
          command_stop: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_ENTER"
          command_close: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q pi@geth-host-1 irsend SEND_ONCE NS-RC4NA-14 KEY_CONFIG"
          #icon: mdi:animation
## Cameras A package, motion, provided by Raspbian allows use of [ cameras], which are more secure than oft-compromised off-the-shelf IP cameras.