
473 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

/* Borrowed from https://rawgit.com/BenZuser/Emby-Web-Dark-Themes-CSS/master/RED/theme.css */
------------------------- COLOR HEX & RGB CODES -------------------------
RED : #E81123 & (232, 17, 35)
DARK COLOR : #94131E
ORANGE : #FF8000 & (255, 128, 0)
ORANGE PLEX : #CC7B19 & (204, 123, 25)
YELLOW : #BDBD00 & (189, 189, 0)
DARK COLOR : #757500
GREEN : #52B54B & (82, 181, 75)
DARK COLOR : #3E8437
BLUE : #4285F4 & (66, 133, 244)
BLUE DARK : #3367d6 & (51,103,214)
BLUE DARK (DARK) : #1f4698
PURPLE : #673AB7 & (103, 58, 183)
DARK COLOR : #3F2471
GRAY : #7F7F7F & (127, 127, 127)
DARK COLOR : #535353
PINK : #F707DF & (247, 7, 223)
----------------------- EMBY THEME : ACCENT COLORS ----------------------
---------- Table of Contents ----------
1.1 Buttons
1.1.1 Checkboxes
1.1.2 Rectangles
1.1.3 Links & Text buttons
1.1.4 Others
1.2 Details
1.2.1 Circles
1.2.2 Indicators
1.2.3 Fonts
1.2.4 Icons
1.2.5 Dialogs & Action Sheets
1.2.6 Others
1.3 Fixes
2.1 Buttons
2.2 Details
2.2.1 Scrollbars
2.2.2 Logos
2.2.3 Others
2.3 Fixes
2.3.1 Dark Colors
/* ------------------------ 1. ACCENT COLORS ------------------------- */
/* ----- 1.1 Buttons ----- */
/* 1.1.1 Checkboxes */
.emby-checkbox:checked + span + span + .checkboxOutline > .checkboxOutlineTick {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
.emby-checkbox:checked + span + span + .checkboxOutline,
.progressring-spiner {
border-color: #E81123 !important; }
.emby-checkbox:focus + span + .emby-checkbox-focushelper {
background-color: #E81123 !important;
opacity: 0.26 !important; }
/* 1.1.2 Rectangles */
.raised {
background: #404040 !important;
color: #fff !important; }
.button-submit, .button-accent {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff; }
.raised-mini.emby-button {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #ffffff !important; }
/* Restart */
.btnRestartContainer.emby-button {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff; }
/* Play & Resume */
.btnPlaySimple.emby-button {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff; }
.btnResume.emby-button {
background: #94131E !important;
color: #fff; }
/* 1.1.3 Links & Text buttons */
.button-link, .button-flat-accent, .button-accent-flat,
.textlink {
color: #E81123 !important; }
.button-link:hover, .button-flat-accent:hover,
.button-accent-flat:hover, .textlink:hover {
color: #9b9b9b !important; }
.button-link:active, .button-flat-accent:active,
.button-accent-flat:active, .textlink:active {
color: #94131E !important; }
/* Top Header */
.emby-tab-button-active {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.1.4 Others */
/* Alpha Picker */
.alphaPickerButton-selected, .alphaPickerButton-tv:focus {
background-color: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff !important; }
/* Radio Buttons */
.mdl-radio__inner-circle {
background: #E81123 !important; }
.mdl-radio__button:checked + .mdl-radio__label + .mdl-radio__outer-circle {
border: 2px solid #E81123 !important; }
.mdl-radio__button:checked:focus + .mdl-radio__label + .mdl-radio__outer-circle + .mdl-radio__inner-circle {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(232, 17, 35, 0.26) !important;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(232, 17, 35, 0.26) !important; }
/* Control Group Buttons */
div[data-role="controlgroup"] a.ui-btn-active[data-role='button'] {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #ffffff !important; }
/* ----- 1.2 Details ----- */
/* 1.2.1 Circles */
/*.listItemIcon:not(.listItemIcon-transparent) {
background-color: $accent-color !important; }*/
.dashboardSection i.listItemIcon.md-icon {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
.scheduledTaskPaperIconItem[data-status="Running"] i.listItemIcon.md-icon {
background-color: #94131E !important; }
/* Focus Helper circles */
.paper-icon-button-light:focus {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.2.2 Indicators */
.countIndicator, .playedIndicator {
background: #E81123 !important; }
.levelNormal {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
.fullSyncIndicator {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff; }
.playstatebutton-played i, .ratingbutton-withrating i {
color: #E81123 !important; }
p#pUpToDate i.md-icon {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Loading Spinners */
.mdl-spinner__layer-1, .mdl-spinner__layer-2, .mdl-spinner__layer-3,
.mdl-spinner__layer-4 {
border-color: #E81123 !important; }
.progressring-spiner {
border: 0.25em solid #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.2.3 Fonts */
.selectLabelFocused, .textareaLabelFocused, .inputLabelFocused {
color: #E81123 !important; }
.secondary.listItemBodyText span, div#divRunningTasks span {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.2.4 Icons */
.starIcon, .mediaInfoTimerIcon {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Top Header */
.btnActiveCast {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Now Playing Bar & Now Playing Page */
button.btnCommand.repeatToggleButton.autoSize.nowPlayingPageRepeatActive {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.2.5 Dialogs & Action Sheets */
/* 1.2.6 Others */
/* General Accent Color Modifications */
:focus {
outline: #E81123 auto 5px; }
select:focus {
border-color: #E81123 !important; }
::selection {
background-color: #94131E !important; }
.emby-input:focus, .emby-textarea:focus {
border-color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Google Now Playing Bar & Now Playing Page */
.iconOsdProgressInner, .mdl-slider__background-lower, .sliderBubble,
.mdl-slider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
background: #E81123 !important; }
.mdl-slider:focus::-webkit-slider-thumb {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(232, 17, 35, 0.26);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(232, 17, 35, 0.26) !important; }
/* Firefox Now Playing Bar & Now Playing Page */
.mdl-slider::-moz-range-thumb, .mdl-slider::-moz-range-progress {
background: #E81123 !important; }
.mdl-slider:focus::-moz-range-thumb {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(232, 17, 35, 0.26) !important; }
/* Progress Bars */
.itemProgressBarForeground {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
.taskProgressInner {
background: #E81123 !important; }
/* Google Progress Bars */
progress::-webkit-progress-value {
background: #E81123 !important; }
/* Firefox Progress Bars */
progress::-moz-progress-bar {
background: #E81123 !important; }
/* Edge Progress Bars */
progress {
background: #E81123 !important; }
/* Main Drawers */
.navMenuDivider {
background: #262626 !important; }
.adminDrawerLogo {
border-bottom: 1px solid #262626 !important; }
.mainDrawer {
background: #181818 !important; }
.sidebarHeader {
color: #bbbbbb !important; }
.navMenuOption {
color: #ffffff !important; }
.navMenuOption.navMenuOption-selected {
background: #252528 !important;
color: #E81123 !important; }
.navMenuOption:hover {
background: #252528 !important;
color: #9b9b9b !important; }
/* Metadata Editor */
div.jstree-wholerow.jstree-wholerow-hovered {
background: #252528 !important; }
.jstree-anchor.jstree-clicked.jstree-hovered {
background: #252528 !important;
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Multi-select */
.itemSelectionPanel {
border: 1px solid #E81123 !important; }
.selectionCommandsPanel {
background: #E81123 !important;
color: #fff; }
/* upNextDialog */
.upNextDialog-countdownText {
color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Selection Bars */
.emby-select-selectionbar, .emby-textarea-selectionbar,
.emby-input-selectionbar {
background-color: #E81123 !important; }
/* Media Info Detail Image */
.itemDetailImage.loaded:hover {
border: 1px solid #E81123 !important; }
/* 1.3 Fixes */
/* ------------------ 2. MISCELLANEOUS MODIFICATIONS ----------------- */
/* ----- 2.1 Buttons ----- */
/* Circles */
.fab {
background-color: transparent !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
-webkit-transition: none !important;
-o-transition: none !important;
transition: none !important; }
/* ----- 2.2 Details ----- */
/* 2.2.1 Scrollbars */
/* Google Chrome */
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background-color: #3B3B3B; }
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
background-color: #3B3B3B; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
background: #888888; }
/* Google Chrome - Dashboard Drawer */
div.scrollContainer.smoothScrollY::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background-color: transparent !important; }
div.scrollContainer.smoothScrollY::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 2px;
height: 2px;
background-color: transparent !important; }
div.scrollContainer.smoothScrollY::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
background: #888888; }
/* Google Chrome - Filter Dialog */
.dynamicFilterDialog::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background-color: transparent !important; }
.dynamicFilterDialog::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 2px;
height: 2px;
background-color: transparent !important; }
.dynamicFilterDialog::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
background: #888888; }
/* 2.2.2 Logos */
/* Login Page */
.imgLogoIcon {
content: url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/BenZuser/Emby-Dark-Themes-Resources/master/images/logos-and-icons/RED/logo.png) !important; }
/* Main Drawer Mobile */
.adminDrawerLogo img {
content: url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/BenZuser/Emby-Dark-Themes-Resources/master/images/logos-and-icons/RED/logo.png) !important; }
/* Home Page */
.pageTitleWithLogo {
background-image: url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/BenZuser/Emby-Dark-Themes-Resources/master/images/logos-and-icons/RED/logo.png) !important; }
/* 2.2.3 Others */
/* CSS Box */
#txtCustomCss {
height: 300px !important;
overflow-y: scroll !important; }
/* Select Box */
select option {
background-color: #2b2b2b !important;
color: #ffffff !important; }
/* Dialogs */
.formDialogFooter:not(.formDialogFooter-clear) {
background-color: #121212 !important;
color: #fff; }
/* Headers */
.skinHeader {
background-color: #080808 !important;
color: #fff !important; }
.skinHeader-withBackground {
background-color: #080808 !important; }
@supports (backdrop-filter: blur(1.5em)) or (-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1.5em)) {
.skinHeader-blurred {
background: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.7) !important;
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1.5em) !important;
backdrop-filter: blur(1.5em) !important; } }
.skinHeader.semiTransparent {
-webkit-backdrop-filter: none !important;
backdrop-filter: none !important;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(10%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)), color-stop(10%, transparent)) !important;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 10%, transparent) !important;
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 10%, transparent) !important;
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 10%, transparent) !important;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 10%, transparent) !important; }
.appfooter {
background: #080808 !important;
color: #fff !important; }
@supports (backdrop-filter: blur(10px)) or (-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px)) {
.appfooter-blurred {
background: rgba(24, 24, 24, 0.7) !important;
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(20px) !important;
backdrop-filter: blur(20px) !important; } }
/* TV Global Modifications */
.emby-tab-button-active.emby-button-tv {
color: #fff !important; }
.guide-channelHeaderCell, .guide-channelTimeslotHeader {
background: #2e2e2e !important; }
.guide-programTextIcon {
color: #1e1e1e !important;
background: #555 !important; }
.guide-headerTimeslots {
color: #ccc !important; }
/* ----- 2.3 Fixes ----- */
/* 2.3.1 Dark Colors */
.autoorganizetable tbody tr:nth-child(odd) td, .autoorganizetable tbody tr:nth-child(odd) th {
background-color: #222326 !important; }
.autoorganizetable > .table > tbody > tr {
border: 1px solid #222326 !important; }
Emby Dark Themes is maintained by Ben Z (BenZuser)
with the contribution of Happy2Play.
/* Links */
.searchSuggestionsList a, .noItemsMessage a, a.lnkPremiere {
color: #E81123 !important; }
.searchSuggestionsList a:hover, .noItemsMessage a:hover,
a.lnkPremiere:hover {
color: #9b9b9b !important; }
.searchSuggestionsList a:active, .noItemsMessage a:active,
a.lnkPremiere:active {
color: #94131E !important; }