--- ### # This role installs the basic package and host setup for AniNIX operations. # # # - name: Set up AniNIX-specific repository become: yes file: path: /opt/aninix state: directory - name: Verify GPG keys ignore_errors: yes become: yes command: cmd: gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg --list-key 1CC1E3F4ED06F296 register: gpg_verify when: ansible_os_family == "Archlinux" - name: Install GPG keys become: yes command: cmd: /bin/bash -l -c 'pacman-key --recv-key 1CC1E3F4ED06F296; pacman-key --finger 1CC1E3F4ED06F296; pacman-key --lsign-key 1CC1E3F4ED06F296;' when: ansible_os_family == "Archlinux" and gpg_verify.rc != 0 - name: Set up pacman.conf become: yes blockinfile: path: /etc/pacman.conf insertafter: EOF marker: "# {mark} Ubiqtorate Managed Block" block: | [AniNIX] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server = https://maat.aninix.net/ [aur] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server = https://maat.aninix.net/aur/ when: ansible_os_family == "Archlinux" - name: Install ShadowArch (ArchLinux) become: yes pacman: name: ShadowArch state: present update_cache: yes when: ansible_os_family == "Archlinux" - name: Download ShadowArch (Other) become: yes git: repo: 'https://foundation.aninix.net/AniNIX/ShadowArch' dest: '/opt/aninix/ShadowArch' update: yes when: ansible_os_family != "Archlinux" - name: Install ShadowArch (Other) become: yes command: chdir: '/opt/aninix/ShadowArch' cmd: 'make install' when: ansible_os_family != "Archlinux" - name: Base packages become: yes package: name: - bash - sudo - name: Set up hostname become: yes hostname: name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ replica_domain }}" - name: Set up /etc/hosts become: yes lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: '^[ \t]+localhost' line: " localhost localhost.localdomain {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ replica_domain }}" state: present - name: Identify depriv user command: cmd: "bash -c 'getent passwd 1001 | cut -f 1 -d :'" register: depriv_user # This is an AniNIX convention to allow password management by Ansible. - name: Ensure 1001 has sudo permissions. become: yes copy: dest: /etc/sudoers.d/1001 content: "{{ depriv_user.stdout }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n" - name: Test root password ignore_errors: yes register: root_password_test become: yes command: id vars: ansible_become_method: su ansible_become_user: root ansible_become_password: "{{ lookup('vars',inventory_hostname+'_password') }}" - name: Define root password become: yes when: root_password_test.rc is not defined or root_password_test.rc != 0 command: cmd: /bin/bash -l -c "printf '%s\n%s\n' '{{ lookup('vars',inventory_hostname+'_password') }}' '{{ lookup('vars',inventory_hostname+'_password') }}' | passwd" - name: Define depriv password become: yes when: root_password_test.rc is not defined or root_password_test.rc != 0 command: cmd: /bin/bash -l -c "printf '%s\n%s\n' '{{ lookup('vars',inventory_hostname+'_password') }}' '{{ lookup('vars',inventory_hostname+'_password') }}' | passwd {{ depriv_user.stdout }}"