Cyberbrain is a way to ensure that so long as a person is connected to the Internet and authorized, they're able to connect to, use, and control the AniNIX. It can serve as an alternative to using the [Terminal & SSH add-on]( for [AniNIX/Geth](../Geth/) in cases where a separate security posture is needed for each. # Etymology A [cyberbrain]( is a concept from the series *Ghost in the Shell*. It's the integration of a normal brain with electronic, usually networked components. Similarly, this app serves as a core bridge between the shell environment of the AniNIX and any authorized user. # Relevant Files and Software This service is deployed as a Docker image from [FileStash]( This image is pointed back at the AniNIX/Yggdrasil's SFTP service. Configuration is done in [the app]( A unique password should be configured, and then the only authorized backend is SFTP with passthrough authentication on the 'username_and_password' strategy. The SFTP host is then jailed as AniNIX/Yggdrasil's internal IP and port, with the `{{ .user }}` and `{{ .password }}` attributes populated. This app can be proxied to the outside world and protected by encryption & a web-application firewall. This happens through [a WebServer configuration file](/AniNIX/Ubiqtorate/src/branch/main/roles/WebServer/files/conf.d/Core/adhan.conf). ## Backups No backup is needed. # Available Clients This uses the same clients as [AniNIX/WebServer](../WebServer). Any browser will do.