#!/bin/bash nameRegEx='^[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\.,-]+$' lockfile="/tmp/""$(echo $0 | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev)" function helptext { echo "$0 username [ userid ]" } # match email against regex and create shortname from email ID. if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [[ "$1" =~ $nameRegEx ]]; then username="$(echo $1)" if getent passwd "$username"; then echo User already exists! exit 1; fi elif [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then helptext; exit 0; else echo Need an username. helptext exit 1; fi # Create a new user ID. if [ -z "$2" ]; then newuserid="$(($(getent passwd | sort -k 3 -n -t ':' | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3 -d ':') + 1))" else if id "$newuserid" &>/dev/null; then echo "User id $newuserid already exist!" exit 2 else newuserid="$2" fi fi printf "Username: %s\nID: %s\n\nReady to add? [YES/no] " "$username" "$newuserid" mkdir "$lockfile" 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then read answer if [ "$answer" == "YES" ]; then file="/etc/openldap/users.d/$username.ldif" cp /opt/aninix/Password/sample-user.ldif "$file" line="$(grep -E '^uid: ' "$file")"; sed -i "s/$line/uid: $username/" "$file" line="$(grep -E '^dn: ' "$file" | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d ',')"; sed -i "s/$line/uid=$username/" "$file" line="$(grep -E '^homeDirectory: ' "$file")"; sed -i "s#$line#homeDirectory: /home/$username/#" "$file" line="$(grep -E '^cn: ' "$file")"; sed -i "s/$line/cn: $username/" "$file" line="$(grep -E '^mail: ' "$file")"; sed -i "s#$line#mail: ircs://aninix.net:6697/$username#" "$file" line="$(grep -E '^uidNumber: ' "$file")"; sed -i "s/$line/uidNumber: $newuserid/" "$file" ldapadd -D 'cn=root,dc=aninix,dc=net' -W -f "$file" ldap-resetpass "$username" fi rmdir "$lockfile" exit 0; else echo "Cannot add -- locked." exit 1; fi