
103 lines
5.1 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AniNIX.Crypto {
public class Substitution : Cipher {
public char[] EngCommon = {'e','t','a','o','i','n','s','h','r','d','l','u','c','m','w','f','y','g','p','b','v','k','x','j','q','z'};
public override String Description() { return "Subsitution cipher suite\nKey format is \"E[EEE]=d[ddd]\", where E is the character in the cipher and d is the intended character in the workspace."; }
public override String Command() { return "sub"; }
public Substitution(Workbench w) : base (w) {}
/// <summary>
/// We should be able to act on a workspace and command line. Most ciphers will sue the same syntax. Those that don't can override.
/// </summary>
/// <param name=workSpace>The current version of the text being worked on.</param>
/// <param name=line>The command sequence.</param>
/// <returns>The updated version of the workSpace</returns>
public override String RunCommand(String workSpace,String inputText,String[] line) {
if (workSpace == null || line == null || line.Length < 2) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Malformed request.");
return workSpace;
switch (line[1]) {
case "encrypt":
return Encrypt(workSpace,inputText,line);
case "decrypt":
return Decrypt(workSpace,inputText,line);
case "try-common":
return TryCommon(inputText);
case "help":
return workSpace;
Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid command. Type help for more.");
return workSpace;
/// <summary>
/// Show the helptext for this cipher. By default, most ciphers will only have encrypt, decrypt, and help functions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name=line>This is the incoming line and we use it to get the cipher name</param>
public override void GetHelp() {
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Help for the {0} cipher suite.\n{1}\n",Command(),Description()));
Console.WriteLine("encrypt key[s] -- encrypt with the key[s]\ndecrypt key[s] -- decrypt with the key[s]\ntry-common -- try common sub keys\nhelp -- show this helptext.");
public override String Encrypt(String workSpace, String cipher, String[] line) {
if (line.Length < 3) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Bad formatting.");
return workSpace;
char[] changed = workSpace.ToCharArray();
for (int i=2; i<line.Length;i++) {
if (line[i].Length < 3 || line[i].Length%2 != 1 || line[i][line[i].Length/2] != '=') {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Bad substitution. Aborting.");
/* Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("Line length: {0}",line[i].Length));
* Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("Line mod 2: {0}",line[i].Length%2));
* Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("Line[length/2+1]: {0}",line[i][line[i].Length/2+1]));
return workSpace;
for (int k = 0; k < line[i].Length/2; k++) {
char oldS = line[i].Substring(k,1)[0];
char newS = line[i].Substring(k+line[i].Length/2+1,1)[0];
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Replacing cipher {0} to be workspace {1}",oldS,newS));
for (int j = 0; j < workSpace.Length; j++) {
if (cipher[j] == oldS) {
changed[j] = newS;
return new String(changed);
public override String Decrypt(String workSpace, String cipher, String[] line) {
return Encrypt(workSpace, cipher, line);
public String TryCommon(String workSpace) {
List<String> sortedChars = Analysis.GetMostCommonLetters(workSpace.ToLower());
char[] modified = workSpace.ToLower().ToCharArray();
char replaceChar;
for (int i = 0; i < modified.Length; i++) {
if (!Char.IsLetter(modified[i])) { continue; }
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Character <{0}> occurs {1}st in frequency, corresponding with <{2}> -- replacing...",
replaceChar = EngCommon[sortedChars.IndexOf(modified[i].ToString())];
replaceChar = (workSpace[i] == Char.ToLower(workSpace[i])) ? replaceChar : Char.ToUpper(replaceChar);
modified[i] = replaceChar;
return new String(modified);