compile: /usr/bin/mcs CryptoWorkbench.csharp /opt/aninix/Uniglot/ /usr/bin/mcs -out:cryptoworkbench.exe /opt/aninix/Uniglot/CSharp/*.csharp *.csharp 2>&1 test: /usr/bin/mono compile # TODO This needs to be a pytest battery across the input. echo quit | /usr/bin/mono cryptoworkbench.exe ./sample.txt clean: for i in `cat .gitignore`; do rm -Rf $$i; done install: compile /bin/bash bash.cryptoworkbench mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/opt ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/ mv cryptoworkbench.exe ${pkgdir}/opt cp bash.cryptoworkbench ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/cryptoworkbench cp captivecrypto.bash ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/captivecrypto make checkperm checkperm: chmod 0555 ${pkgdir}/opt/cryptoworkbench.exe ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/cryptoworkbench ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/captivecrypto chown root:root ${pkgdir}/usr/local/bin/captivecrypto ${pkgdir}/opt/cryptoworkbench.exe sshuser: install ForceCommand.txt pwgen grep captivecrypto /etc/shells || echo '/usr/local/bin/captivecrypto' /etc/shells if ! id crypto &>/dev/null; then useradd -k -d /home/crypto -s /usr/local/bin/captivecrypto crypto; fi echo "crypto:$(pwgen 24 1)" | chpasswd; cat ./ForceCommand.txt >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo crypto | passwd --stdin crypto tmux: /usr/bin/tmux @echo Making sure cryptoworkbench setting isn\'t already in /etc/tmux.conf... [ `grep -c "cryptoworkbench" /etc/tmux.conf` -eq 0 ] echo "bind-key -T prefix x new-window cryptoworkbench" >> /etc/tmux.conf echo 'bind-key -T prefix X confirm-before -p "kill-pane #P? (y/n)" kill-pane' >> /etc/tmux.conf diff: captivecrypto.bash diff captivecrypto.bash /usr/local/bin/captivecrypto diff ./bash.cryptoworkbench /usr/local/bin/cryptoworkbench reverse: cat /usr/local/bin/captivecrypto > ./captivecrypto.bash cat /usr/local/bin/cryptoworkbench > ./bash.cryptoworkbench